วันจันทร์ที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Top 5 Favorite Thai Dessert

Thai Dessert - Bua Loi Kai Wan

Thai desserts are more than just something sweet to eat after a meal but have also been used in Buddhist rituals and ceremonies and are very popular gifts for special occasions. The names of each dessert also represent positive symbolic meanings to promote prosperity and success to participants in such auspicious occasion. Many Thai desserts (Kanom Thai) include the word ‘Thong’, which literally means gold in Thai and signify glory and high esteem.
I hope that people who enjoy their desserts will someday have the opportunity to enjoy these delicacies from Thailand… here is my top 5 list of Thai desserts.

A Variety of Thai Desserts

Thailand is a paradise for food aficionados – the ultimate destination for enthusiast of fine cuisine. Thai people center much of their social activities on eating places and the enjoyment of eating; over centuries this social behaviour has resulted in the evolution of Thai cuisine and elevated Thai culinary status to worldwide renown. Not only does Thailand have myriad delectable dishes but it also offers unique and delightful desserts that are sure to appease the discerning sweet teeth.

Thai Dessert - Look Choob

To read more or see original article, please click here: http://www.thailand-travelonline.com/thailand-services/thai-food/my-top-5-favorite-thai-desserts/714/

